Friday, October 12, 2007

Lesson Four ... stuborness

-Lesson Four
OK, now i know that ppl are stuborn a lot ... and i'll admit to being stuborn myself. But thats not the fact of the matter;; its ok to be like that .. but when u start to offend people and make people cry, thats when its way out of hand ! I went to school today, ohhh man was i excited *for i had gotten out of bed, and was hyper [which usually never happends] so it was a good day !* I had an amazing feeling that this would be a good day ! So anyways, i go to school and sit in my normal spot and put my stuff down. The intend to go get breakfast. When i come back a lot of my friends were there and chit chatting about today, yesterday, and so on. Then someone asks "Lenny ! How did ur volleyball game go yesterday ?" and i replied with "We won !" then out of no where comes "Man ! well u guys arnt that good, **** (school name) is better than u are ";; that offended me a bit. b.c i work my but off to be good at sports and that is pretty much my life ! And for someone to say that i'm not good, or my team is bad, that really pisses me off. So being the kinder person i am and not wanting to get into any major fights;; i calmly said "Uh, ok. Well for ur info we are #2 in state. So we have to be somewhat good" And he kept saying no your not;; **** is so much better than u. And then he took it even farther and said "Oh and u know what ?? ur bad at the sports u play also !" Now folks, if u really want to get on my nerve and piss me off then thats what you say ! B.c someone telling me that i suck at what my life is consisted of makes me mad and upsets me, thats like me saying to someone that is a upcomming vet, say ... yah you suck at that and there is no reason that ppl should trust u with their pets life. MAKES ME MAD !! So then we started to fight back and forth for about 10 min. untill i said to myself "STOP ! its not worth it; put ur stubborness away and let him win" thats what i did and they he OF COURSE had to get the last word in and mumbled something to himself, i ignored that 2year old comment. But deep inside i know that i had gotten to him, for he continued to talk and say ... "fine give up !! " So off to first period i went, now at this time i didnt know how mad i was, i started to talk about it and cried *i was that mad !* it was pathetic. I had let him get to me and let my stuborness get the best of me as well. So enough rambling ... the point//lesson today is;; Sometimes u have to put away ur own voice, to make the loudest impression.

1 comment:

Albert[Insanity] said...