Friday, October 12, 2007

Lesson Four ... stuborness

-Lesson Four
OK, now i know that ppl are stuborn a lot ... and i'll admit to being stuborn myself. But thats not the fact of the matter;; its ok to be like that .. but when u start to offend people and make people cry, thats when its way out of hand ! I went to school today, ohhh man was i excited *for i had gotten out of bed, and was hyper [which usually never happends] so it was a good day !* I had an amazing feeling that this would be a good day ! So anyways, i go to school and sit in my normal spot and put my stuff down. The intend to go get breakfast. When i come back a lot of my friends were there and chit chatting about today, yesterday, and so on. Then someone asks "Lenny ! How did ur volleyball game go yesterday ?" and i replied with "We won !" then out of no where comes "Man ! well u guys arnt that good, **** (school name) is better than u are ";; that offended me a bit. b.c i work my but off to be good at sports and that is pretty much my life ! And for someone to say that i'm not good, or my team is bad, that really pisses me off. So being the kinder person i am and not wanting to get into any major fights;; i calmly said "Uh, ok. Well for ur info we are #2 in state. So we have to be somewhat good" And he kept saying no your not;; **** is so much better than u. And then he took it even farther and said "Oh and u know what ?? ur bad at the sports u play also !" Now folks, if u really want to get on my nerve and piss me off then thats what you say ! B.c someone telling me that i suck at what my life is consisted of makes me mad and upsets me, thats like me saying to someone that is a upcomming vet, say ... yah you suck at that and there is no reason that ppl should trust u with their pets life. MAKES ME MAD !! So then we started to fight back and forth for about 10 min. untill i said to myself "STOP ! its not worth it; put ur stubborness away and let him win" thats what i did and they he OF COURSE had to get the last word in and mumbled something to himself, i ignored that 2year old comment. But deep inside i know that i had gotten to him, for he continued to talk and say ... "fine give up !! " So off to first period i went, now at this time i didnt know how mad i was, i started to talk about it and cried *i was that mad !* it was pathetic. I had let him get to me and let my stuborness get the best of me as well. So enough rambling ... the point//lesson today is;; Sometimes u have to put away ur own voice, to make the loudest impression.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lesson Three ... stress

-Lesson Three
Stress of college !! Man what a ride !! .... nothing better than going to a college fair and pulling out every living hair in your body. Now i'm not sure if it was the pressure of getting into college that worried me, or the pressure to go to a college that will fulfill my dreams and at the same time letting me stay with all my friends. Now i dont know about you, but i can't stand to be somewhere where i know absolutly no one and the dont know me. Its the most stress i could ever imagin having put on my shoulders !! ... Now, I know what i should be doing, i should be concentration on my future and not worry about where or when my friends are going to college, and whether or not i'm going to be going to college with them. But you have to understand they are my bestest friends ever ! And i dont think that i could go to a college with over 6,000 people and not a single person know me ! ... it would stress me out to the max !!! no lie !!! .... So after the fair we talked about it and where we wanted to go to college, and as soo as i thought that i gotten everything settled and all my friends (my 2 bestest) are going to the same college;; Heather throws out that the army would be a good idea, albert[insanity] flipped a lid ! i mean saying that " no you can't go there, you'll die !! Its not a good idea !! " ... i mean it was bad, but i feel for her. Thats her bestest friend beside me and i know i wouldn't want heather or albert to go to the army, it would kill me to know that at anytime they would be shot and posibly killed. But we talked it through and we have finally decided to go to the same college if at all possible *which i think is*. So i'm happy !!! So the lesson for today is .... dont stress so much about the future;; it will all fold out the way it was orignialy soposed to :]

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lesson Two ... trust

-Lesson Two
Ok now for some ppl trust is a very easy thing to come by, but for other *normal* people ... trust is a very hard and very time consuming thing to earn. To earn ones trust .. such as mine its hard *in most cases;; now for this one ... idk what i was thinking :[*. So anyways ... i was sitting on a bus (getting ready to go home and eat some subway :]) when all the sudden i hear my name. Now i think well someone is just trying to get my attention .. but NO ! I turn around and there i see ppl doing snotty//rude inpersonations of me on the back of the bus, and laughing. Now this would not normally bother me if it was some radom person that i didnt like anyways;; i would have just yelled back at them "problem ? ... immature much ? ... Oh sorry, didnt know everyone was so damn perfect like you !!" But no, this was no ordinary person;; this was someone that i had put my trust into and told a lot of things that i normally wouldnt do (for i dont give trust out that easly, but i had made an exception that day). Not only was she making fun of me, she was telling ppl very personal things that i had told her, that i didnt want to go around the whole school. But i can't fully blame her I guess it was my fault thinking that maybe, just once i could give someone all my trust and expect respect back :[. So to rap things all up, the lesson today is .... Love many, trust few;; and always paddle your own canoe (be carefull who you just give your trust to, i'm here to tell you from experiance :/ ... it doesnt work out the way you want it to half the time)


Monday, October 8, 2007

Lesson One .. drunken lady

Lesson number one.
-So today i came over to my bestest house, for i am pretty much kicked out of my moms house for getting in to a major fight with her last night, over basically nothing at all. All i wanted to do was take my boat over to ohio, to go and see albert[insanity] and heather ... now i know that i walked right into a fight b.c i asked her when it was starting to get dark ( and she had been a little buzzed at the same time, so i was like hey lets take advantage of the drunk lady :] ) ... but it didnt go the way i intened it to go unfortunatly. So all there was was a lot of yelling and drunk jokes going on. And then out of no where she goes and says " you know what, ppl like you dont get anywhere in life" .... wtf ? that makes a lot of sense (sarcasm) and so i started to talk (yell) back and all she did was put her fingers in her ears and humm constantly, like a 2 year old. So the lesson is .... it gets you no where to yell and fight with a drunk lady