Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lesson eight .... vanity

Vanity, considered being one of the seven deadly sins. Is not only a feeling for some, it’s the way of life for most. “Inflated pride in oneself or one’s appearance”, said in the Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is supposedly the “real” meaning of the word vanity. But to me there is a whole other side to it.
To me one side of the word, yes, is negative. But there is another softer side, a nicer side. That is the side I’m going to be concentration on today, the positive side. Because there is one, like it or not!
In one sense you hear the word vanity and you automatically think a negative connotation right away, and yes when I first heard the word I thought that to. But then I thought maybe it’s a good thing, because if you think about it its just confidence. “My hair looks good today!”, “I smell oh so pretty!”, or even just a little thing like “Wow, I like my outfit today!”. All that is, is confidence in one’s self, and feeling good about it. And in my opinion every person has a right to that. It’s only a problem to me when its confidence builds up and finally explodes into cockiness.
This is where the word vanity becomes obnoxious and to self absorbed. When it comes to a point in time where you are putting other people down because you want to make yourself feel a lot better, that’s crossing the line. “I look good today, but she looks like a big mess!”, or maybe “That shirt she is wearing was in last year, and now she is a “skank” for wearing it this year.” These are all examples of when people get over confident and start to bully other kids. To me this is a big problem, because when I was younger I was pushed around by these sorts of kids. And now that I am older I have to watch myself and know when I’m going to far, because to me it’s just joking around but to other kids I know where they are coming from when their feelings get hurt.
So now you know my take on the word vanity, and maybe next time someone is bulling you or the other way around you will take in consideration this essay.

*And know that everyone is given confidence, but you should know when it crosses the line and goes into just plain flat out ignorance in your part.

Lenny :]

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